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The auto components manufacturing industry faces constant pressure to improve quality, reduce scrap rates, and enhance operational efficiency. For one such manufacturer, addressing these challenges required a comprehensive solution that could monitor critical parameters, analyze batch-to-batch variations, and provide real-time insights into production processes.

In response, the company decided to implement a Historian system, leveraging Canary Labs Historian, to revolutionize their data management and analysis capabilities.

Challenges Faced

Prior to implementing the Historian system, the auto components manufacturer encountered several key challenges:

1. Lack of Critical Parameter Monitoring: Machine critical parameters were not being effectively monitored, leading to potential quality issues and inefficiencies in the production process.

2. Limited Batch Comparison Capability: The ability to compare machine behavior across different batches of a defined recipe was absent, hindering the identification of deviations and potential root causes of quality variations.

3. Inconsistent Quality Outputs: Despite using the same recipe, the manufacturer experienced different quality outputs, resulting in a high scrap rate. Understanding the underlying reasons for these discrepancies was challenging due to a lack of comprehensive data analysis capabilities.

4. Absence of Real-time Data Storage: Real-time data was not being stored, making it difficult to analyze the causes of scrap and respond promptly to quality issues as they occurred.

Solution implemented

To address these challenges, the auto components manufacturer deployed Canary Labs Historian, a robust time-series data management system capable of collecting and storing critical-to-quality data at high frequencies. Key aspects of the solution included:

1. High-Frequency Data Collection: The Historian system collected critical-to-quality data at intervals as short as 250 milliseconds, ensuring that no important parameter was overlooked.

2. Batch Monitoring Application: A batch monitoring application was developed, allowing for multi-trend analysis of all parameters across multiple batches. This facilitated the identification of variations and deviations in machine behavior, aiding in the understanding of quality discrepancies.

3. Long-term Data Storage: The Historian system was configured to store data for up to 20 years, ensuring compliance with audit requirements and providing a comprehensive dataset for historical analysis.

results achieved

Over the course of six months following the implementation of the Historian system, the auto components manufacturer observed significant improvements across various operational metrics:

1. Scrap Reduction: By implementing improved Statistical Process Control (SPC) analysis enabled by the Historian system, the manufacturer achieved a 14% reduction in scrap rates, resulting in significant cost savings.

2. Increased Throughput: With better insights into machine behavior and enhanced monitoring capabilities, the manufacturer improved machine throughput by 3%, optimizing production efficiency.

3. Quicker Response to Quality Issues: The real-time data provided by the Historian system enabled operators to quickly identify and analyze quality issues as they arose, facilitating prompt corrective actions and minimizing production disruptions.

4. Audit Compliance: The complete parameter dataset captured by the Historian system ensured audit compliance, providing a comprehensive record of production processes and quality control measures.

ROI Calculation

At the end of the six-month period, the auto components manufacturer conducted a thorough analysis to calculate the return on investment (ROI) from the implementation of the Historian system. The total ROI, considering increased throughput and decreased scrap costs, amounted to $150,000 USD. This impressive ROI was achieved on an initial investment of $50,000 USD, demonstrating the significant impact of the Historian system on the company’s bottom line.


By implementing Canary Labs Historian and leveraging its advanced data management and analysis capabilities, the auto components manufacturer successfully addressed key challenges related to quality control, production efficiency, and data compliance. The results achieved over a six-month period underscored the transformative impact of the Historian system, leading to substantial cost savings, improved operational performance, and enhanced competitiveness in the auto components market. With a solid foundation in place for data-driven decision-making, the manufacturer is well-positioned to continue driving innovation and excellence in its manufacturing processes.