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At BASE, we understand that navigating the complexities of Industry 4.0 can be daunting. That’s why we offer our Digital Transformation Maturity Assessment (DTMA), a comprehensive evaluation designed to guide your organization towards achieving optimal digital maturity and operational excellence.

What is a DTMA?

The DTMA is a meticulous 23-point assessment of your manufacturing operations, crafted to gauge your organization’s digital maturity level on a scale ranging from 3.0 to 4.0. It involves a factory study and sessions with key stakeholders, including Operations, IT, Maintenance/Engineering, Quality, and Leadership teams.

Why is the DTMA essential?

In today’s rapidly evolving industrial landscape, the importance of digital transformation cannot be overstated. However, many initiatives falter due to inadequate planning and misalignment with organizational goals. The DTMA serves as a crucial first step in your digital transformation journey, helping mitigate risks and ensuring the success of your initiatives.


1. Comprehensive Evaluation – Gain deep insights into your current digital capabilities and identify areas for improvement.

2. Strategic Roadmap – Develop a clear roadmap tailored to your organization’s unique needs, outlining the steps required to achieve digital maturity.

3. Risk Mitigation – Identify potential risks and challenges early on, allowing for proactive mitigation strategies.

4. Alignment – Ensure alignment between digital initiatives and overarching business objectives, maximizing ROI.

5. Enhanced Decision-Making – Make informed decisions backed by data-driven insights, driving operational efficiency and competitiveness.


1. Digital Strategy – A comprehensive strategy outlining your organization’s digital transformation goals and objectives.

2. Recommended Basic Architecture – A robust architecture framework tailored to your unique requirements, laying the foundation for seamless integration and scalability.

3. Minimum Technical Requirements – A list of the minimum technical requirements that any product chosen to solve a problem needs to adhere to in order to be best suited to drive your digital transformation journey forward.


Don’t let the complexities of digital transformation hold your organization back. With our Digital Transformation Maturity Assessment, embark on a journey towards enhanced efficiency, agility, and competitiveness. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you unlock your organization’s full potential in the digital age.