Exchange Layer
Sits above the MES modules and below the ERP, to facilitate data transactions in real-time between the shop floor, MES and the ERP systems. It can also interface with third-party PLM (Product Lifecycle Management), CMMS (Centralized Maintenance Management System) and CRMS (Centralized Recipe Management System) software running in the plant.
With SAP as an example, the eXchange Layer can ensure :
- Continuous integration of Maintenance Processes (SAP PM).
- Posting of quality reports and machine malfunctions in QM.
- Posting of picking, goods receipt and various allocation elements from PS, CO, MM with services recorded in MES.
- Consistent, linked-up corrections in MES and SAP.
- Real-time data exchange between the ERP and the shop floor
- Eliminates manual intervention and ensure error-free data posting
- Reduces time to establish connection with the ERP
- Reduces additional ERP licenses
- Enables real-time visibility into the shop floor operations
Asset Connection
Our cyber-physical systems sit above the shop floor assets and below the MES modules, to serve as the connection between the IT and OT worlds of a manufacturing plant.
It can connect with the following types of assets :
- Assembly Lines
- Discrete Machines
- Batching & Weighing Machines
- Factory Automation Systems
- Utilities
- Process Equipment
- Work centers including, Raw Material Stores, Finished Goods Stores, Inspection Stations, WIP Storage, and more.

Network Diagnostics
Industrial networks contain a huge number of devices from multiple vendors, and the assets are added and changed frequently. Continuous monitoring of the “heartbeat” of all assets connected to the IT and OT networks within a plant is essential to improve asset availability.
- Real-time alerts when an asset goes down.
- Easily identify problematic areas in a network.
- Quicker troubleshooting.
- Identification of connectivity issues.
- Visibility of all assets on the network.